Stewart Terance Johnston
Age 3
To our beautiful blue eyed boy…gone too soon but never forgot.
U live on in others xx
Mandip Mudhar
To my wonderful brother who we were lucky to share 20 years with. The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering. You’ll never be forgotten by your loved ones and those you helped.
Alan Mitchell
My lovely husband Alan who tried so hard to stay with us and was generous to the end in giving the gift of life to 3 others. The link is unbroken. Love you always Jane.
Anne Windsor (nee Dickinson )
In memory of a wonderful Mum. Two people now have the joy of sight.
Ruth Mary Wolf
Remembering always our beloved girl Ruth who lives on not only in her 3 boys but in the gift she gave to 5 people. You are our heroine xx.
Maggie Mathers
My younger sister Maggie passed away suddenly in January 2015. We miss her so much. She had an ordinary life didn't hurt anyone she was funny & assuming, yet she was taken too soon. Her wish was to donate should anything happen to her. She did donate some of her organs and the recipients are said to be doing very well. We are pleased, she would have been too. We'll never forget her. Love you Maggs xx.
Mason Barker
My darling brother and dearly loved uncle to Jacob. Taken too early and suddenly. We love you with all our hearts and will miss you dearly. Not a day will pass without thoughts of you. So proud of you for giving the gift of life to others. Love you, night night xxxxx
Remembering and thanking my donor, Ashley and his family. I wanted to pick sea glass from a beach, and thanks to you, there is a little bottle by my window reminding me of that special day when we went to the beach. Many more things to do, many more days to do them.
Alex Newlove
In memory of our son Alex who died suddenly and in doing so donated his organs to give life and hope to others. "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard".
Love you Alex.
Mum, Dad, Oli, Rick, Stephen and all your wonderful friends.
Because of you I have watched two grandchildren be born.
I have watched my daughter get married.
I am alive because of you. You are in my thoughts every single day.
Donor families, you are all fantastic and my love goes to you all.
Our Son received a kidney from a undisclosed donor. We are extremely grateful to these special people who made the decision and gave their permission for their loved ones organ/organs to be donated to enable the recipients to have a quality of life. We think of these people with love and thankfulness.
Alex Newlove
In memory of our son Alex who died suddenly and in doing so donated his organs to give life and hope to others. "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard".
Love you Alex.
Mum, Dad, Oli, Rick, Stephen and all your wonderful friends.
Andrew Waters
My darling, you brought light into my life with your funny, happy little ways, little dances and songs. Your brain was so sharp, you had such incredible ideas. The world has lost a genius, there will never be another you. Your generous gift of organ donation will have helped so many. Thank you for being my love. How long will I love you. As long as stars are above you. Longer if I can.
Becky Wheeler
In memory of Becky Wheeler - a valued member of Redruth Archers..
Vikki Webb
In memory of our beloved daughter, sister and aunt who gave 3 people a gift of life.Vikki Oct 65 – Jan 2005 age 39 years.

Steven Masefield
A small verse in memory of our son A quite thought, A silent tear, A constant wish that you were here, words are few but thoughts are deep memories of you we will always keep. R.I.P steven love mom dad and family xxx
Richard (Ric) Stollone formally Baker
My dear son and father of six lovely children, the eldest Kerri whose wedding you have sadly missed, are always thinking of you & still striving to come to terms with your loss, as are the rest of the family, we just ask why? Rest in peace son, love Mum and Charlie XMason Barker
Remembering with love our kind and generous son Mason. He left us oh too soon and because he was so thoughtful two people are now able to enjoy their lives. We will love and miss you always. xxxx
Lauren Jade Wilkinson
Our beautiful and amazing daughter passed away aged just 17, Lolly was studying for her A levels in the hope she could become a respiratory physio. So we knew that she would have been proud to be able to give the 'Gift of Life' by being a donor. God Bless xxThomas
As I approach the second anniversary of my soul mate, my loss of you is greater than ever. My only consollation is that you leaving us brought health and happiness to several people. Our 12 year old's wish was that we could prevent other children suffering the pain like she was, the gift of organs was definitely the right thing for us to do. Rest easy my darling. Love you always and forever.
Granville Gough
Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own: He who, secure within, can say, tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today. Be fair or foul or rain or shine. The joys I have possessed, in spite of fate, are mine. Not Heaven itself upon the past has power, but what has been, and I have had my hour.JohnDryden