Mr David Hill

I think about you every day and miss you very much. You were my dad but also my very dear friend, love and miss you always. Jane

to the world you were but one.
To me you were the only one.
You were my world and I love you.

David Hill

I think about you everyday, even more so on this anniversary. I miss you lots xxxx

David Hill

Happy Fathers Day.
Words can never express how much I love and miss you dad.

David Hill (Grandad)

Miss you loads always love you xxooxx

David Hill

David Hill was a great grandad the best one a girl could ever have

Pauline Brasher

Pauline Brasher

She did more than exist she lived, she did more listen she understood.
I still miss you so much but I’m so proud that you gave the gift of life. I love you mum, where ever you are xxx

Stephanie McDonald

Stephanie McDonald

Stephanie died very suddenly and the Critical Care Unit at the hospital were able to keep her alive long enough for her organs to be donated. She saved the lives of three adults. Stephanie is the youngest of three, she has two older brothers, Matt and Chris. Steph loved her cats, driving and going to the movies. Steph worked with her family in the ‘hooftrimming’ business and we are just so grateful for all the wonderful times we had together. We will treasure our memories forever. We love you Steph and we are proud of you. We will see you again and we are always one day closer. God Bless You, Goodnight.

Noel Johnson

Today we say our final goodbyes to you, our son, our friend. You will always be in our hearts and please keep a place for us till we meet again. Love from Mum and Dad xx

Stewart Rexter

Stewart Rexter

Stewart Rexter AKA Chico. Forever in our thoughts from Dad, Lily, Karl, Ellen, Jennifer, Norman, Alan, Pamela and Margaret.

Patricia Stobart

Patricia Stobart

Suddenly our World stopped when Mam suffered a massive intracerebral bleed. We all knew her wish was to donate her organs as our Dad had 23 years ago when he suddenly left us. Mam was 66 years old and full of fun, energy and laughs. She was the best Mam in the world to Samantha, Mark and Victoria and Nana to Ryan her 'little gem'. Our life will never be the same again, she has left a huge hole in our hearts, we love you and miss you forever. Goodnight and Godbless Mam xxxx.

Paul Woodcock

Paul Edward Woodcock

You will always be with us in our hearts and minds, thank you for being our Son. Love always Mom and Dad.

Sherry Pearson

Sherry Pearson

I will treasure forever the love and friendship we both shared. All the things we did together and the way that you cared. Your smiles, hugs and kisses were always there, such a generous nature that was beyond compare. You were always someone to turn to, constantly kind and true. My beautiful soulmate, my Shery. I will never ever forget you.
Love & Kisses from Pete xxxxx.

Aaron James Cobain Smith

Aaron James Cobain Smith

Our beautiful kind and loving son AJ was killed in a motorbike RTA. He had made sure we knew he wanted to be an organ donor and was always helping people in life so we wanted him to help more people in death.
He had a 8 year old son.
He was a happy young man who loved life and we miss him beyond words. Ride on AJ xx.

Erin Lyon-McSherry

Erin Lyon-McSherry

We will forever love you and remember you. Our beautiful daughter, sister, granddaughter and cousin. Missed everyday but thankful you could help others to live. Forever in our hearts xx.


Words will never be able to express my gratitude to you (and your family) for giving me the gift of life. I think of you and your family often. Thank you.

Claire Louise Wilkin

Claire Louise Wilkin

In remembrance of our beautiful daughter Claire whom we love and miss so much.
You are always in our heads and hearts and will be forever xxxx we are so proud of you for your gift of life xxx thank you x see you again one day but not to soon eh!!xx

Claire Louise Wilkin

Claire Louise Wilkin

For our beautiful daughter Claire Louise Wilkin. We are so proud of you ,And Love and Miss you so much. Thank you for helping others with your generous gift ,we have and still are learning a lot from you ,god bless you darling rip from Mum Dad and Chris and Craig forever in our thoughtsxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bernard Walker

You’re forever in our thoughts, time eases but never mends. We truly live in hope that the gift of life you gave was and still continues to bring happiness to other families.

Our family misses you every day

Rebecca Cepeda (Nee Payne)

To our darling Becky who died on 3rd November 2008 and gave her heart valves so someone could be healed. We love you and miss you every day. Rest peacefully my darling Boodles. Mum, Dad, Cesar, Betina and Ian xx

Rebecca Jane Nix ‘Becky’

Rebecca Jane Nix ‘Becky’

You left a gift with us; memories of a wonderful daughter and sister who lit up our lives. Caring, giving, thoughtful and friend to so many people. Still with us in our hearts and memories.
Your legacy has enabled so many people to have a better quality of life and you are still helping people who like us have lost a loved one who donated organs and tissue.
God Bless till we meet again Mom. Dad, brother Stuart and Nan XXX

Trudie Blackman

It maybe that 20 years have passed since the day you left us, but your love lives on in our memories, in your children, your grandchildren and in those your donation saved. Always loved, always remembered.

You left a gift with us; memories of a wonderful daughter and sister who lit up our lives. Caring, giving, thoughtful and friend to so many people. Still with us in our hearts and memories.
Your legacy has enabled so many people to have a better quality of life and you are.

Pippa Astbury’

Miss Pippa Astbury

Pippa died suddenly from a catastrophic brain haemorrhage which was totally unexpected. Pippa left instructions that she wanted to donate her organs via three different media. We as a family also wanted this. Several of Pippa's organs were successfully donated and we have received details of recipients. We are very proud of her 'Gift of Life' and are finding great comfort in this. "Thank You" love you Pippa always in our hearts xxx.

Norman George Stephens

Forever in my heart.


I received my liver in November. I will never be able to thank the donor and their family enough for the gift of life they gave me. Their gift allowed me to carry on living and to give life to twins 25 months after my transplant. It was truly a miracle. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God and pray for the family who made the decision to give me life. Words are just not enough to express my gratitude x..

Samuel Beech

Samuel Edward Beech

Sam took a Friday off work to see a concert in north London with a couple of friends. Later that evening he was admitted to hospital where a couple of days later he died. This all happened so suddenly at the young age of 22. He lived his life to the full, popular and really kind and compassionate , he had time for everyone. We feel blessed to have shared our time with him and to have so many lovely memories. Through organ donation he saved the lives of four people. We are proud of you Sam, rest in peace darling. Mum, Lewis and all your family and friends xxx.

Joy Cooper

Joy Cooper

My life changed forever the day I lost you. It was so sudden and I never got the chance, although I told you and saw you every day, how much I love you and was I proud to have you as my Mum. Words can not describe the depth of loss I feel, nor how much you're missed - now and forever, Ab x

Paul Masters

Paul Masters

It's coming up to a year since my brave big brother passed away and my heart still aches with sadness. He was only 55 and was taken way to soon.
I will love and miss you always Paul.

Ryan-James Wheelhouse

Ryan-James Wheelhouse

to give life to others so they can live their dreams was my last gift to give with nothing expected in well.

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