
Nigel Lynall


Loraine Morgan-Davies


Justin Grace


James Doran-Webb


Nigel Lynall

Nigel Lynall: click to read bio
Nigel was born and raised in the Walsall area of the Midlands and on leaving school commenced work in the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham. In 1979 he started his own jewellery manufacturing business. Nigel carries out regular work for members of the aristocracy, sporting personalities and a number of clients in the entertainments industry. Clients both in the United Kingdom and internationally will contact Nigel to commission a specific piece of work.

Nigel and his partner Janice have known our Lifetime President David Nix, his wife Jane, their daughter Rebecca and son Stuart for a number of years. When Rebecca died and donated Nigel was the first person to offer help to them and he and Janice have followed and helped the Donor Family Network since its inception. They have regularly donated jewellery and other items for auction prizes to raise funds for the charity. Nigel never misses an opportunity to spread the word about the network at home and abroad and considers being a patron of the charity to be a special honour.

Loraine Morgan-Davies

Loraine Morgan-Davies: click to read bio
Loraine is a former Mayor of Bath, mother of 6 children and has 9 grandchildren. Loraine’s career was in the health service for 25 years in her home city of Bath.

In 1995 she was elected to the Bath and North East Somerset Council and served as a Councillor for 20 years until 2015.

Loraine first met the Donor Family Network at the 2006 British Transplant Games in Bath. She was Chairman of Bath & North East Somerset Council and came to the games but also hosted a Civic Reception. Loraine was so interested in the work of Donor Family Network that in 2007 she became a Patron of the charity.

In 2009 she was asked by Transplant Sport UK to Chair the Organising Committee for the Transplant Games returning to Bath for the 2010 games. Loraine with David Nix MBE launched the Transplant Flame at a Pump Rooms event in Bath.

When Loraine became involved with the DFN, she had no one close to her who had been a donor or recipient, but she loved the work that the DFN did and wanted to help. In 2011 Loraine’s partner John was diagnosed with a rare eye condition and in March 2014 he had a corneal transplant on his left eye which gave him his sight back within five days. In Sept 2014 he had the operation on his right eye which was also successful. Loraine and John are so terribly grateful to his donor and their families for giving him the chance to preserve his sight and for the support he has received.

Justin Grace

Justin Grace: click to read bio
Justin began cycling at age 11, won 13 National track championships and was successful on the world stage in the elite ranks, competing at 2 Commonwealth Games. In August 2014, he became the GB Cycling Head Sprint Coach. His success is reflected in Team GB bringing home a record breaking 7 medals from the Rio Olympics.

In November 2016 Justin had a lifesaving liver transplant at St James Hospital Leeds, after suffering from primary sclerosing cholangitis, since he was 17. Married with 2 children, he is now involved with many NHS events and regularly does charity talks, fundraising and awareness campaigns focused on all aspects of organ donation, so we are pleased to have Justin as one of our new Patrons.

James Doran-Webb

James Doran-Webb: click to read bio
James Doran-Webb is a British born sculptor, based in the Philippines, working with driftwood salvaged from beaches and rivers. He has been designing life-sized sculptures, from thousands of pieces of driftwood, since the early 2000’s.

His public work can be seen around the world; he sells internationally and exhibits annually at the Chelsea Flower Show.

James has been a long-time friend of David Nix, founder and President of the Donor Family Network, James is interested in the charity’s mission and has supported us for a number of years.


David Nix

Lifetime President of the DFN

Jane and David Nix live in Birmingham. Jane is a retired nurse; having worked many years in learning disabilities undertaking projects to improve the way services are delivered. David is a retired police officer and now runs his own business moving trucks around the country. Jane and David founded the Donor Family Network in 1997 following the death of their daughter Rebecca who died in a road traffic collision in Connecticut USA at the age of 21 and became a multi-tissue donor. Rebecca had carried a donor card from the age of 7. She was training in hotel management when she decided to take a year out and work in USA. Due to the care and advice they received in USA Jane and David decided to find out more about support for families. After becoming a registered charity in 2003 the Donor Family Network has become the major charity supporting donor families. Jane and David also have a son Stuart who is very proud of his sister. He works as an electrician and fencing manufacturer.

Susan & Nigel Burton

Treasurer (Susan) Chairman (Nigel)

Sue and Nigel live in Sutton-on-Sea in Lincolnshire. Nigel is now the current Chairman and Sue the Treasurer for the Donor Family Network.  Sue and Nigel have a son Christopher, who is married and has two children. Nigel is retired and Sue is a Costs Lawyer in Grantham.  Their youngest son Martin died following a major brain haemorrhage in August 2003 when he was 16. He became a multiple organ donor.  They first came in contact with the Donor Family Network at the National Gathering in 2005 and became Trustees in 2006. They believe that the Trustees make a difference to the lives of those who’s loved ones gave the Gift of Life, by offering support and compassion.

Eunice Booker


Eunice is married to Derek who is also a strong supporter of the Donor Family Network. Sadly they lost their eldest daughter Kirstie in December 2006, and in 2015 Eunice joined the Network as Secretary. Eunice works local to their home in Kent for a family run business as the company accounts manager. Eunice and Derek have another daughter Natalie who is married with two sons. As a family they are immensely proud of what Kirstie has done, both for the recipients and their family and friends.


Jim & Andrea Fallow

(Vice Chairman) Jim (Trustee) Andrea

Jim, Linda, and daughter Andrea became a donor family in 2001 when Iain died aged 18 due to complications following brain surgery.  He became a multiple organ donor and also donated skin and bone for grafting.  For a couple of years after that, they were part of a local support group in the Northwest organised by the transplant co-ordinators and assisted in organising a memorial service at Manchester Cathedral. They attended the opening ceremony of the transplant games in Bolton and also went to the track and field events where they were amazed and inspired by all the competitors. As with so many other Donor Families, they attended that exceptional day at the National Arboretum when the Gift of Life memorial was unveiled.  During conversations with the other Trustees that day, particularly David Nix, Jim and Andrea were invited to become Trustees which they accepted. Andrea is a nurse on the neo natal surgical ward at Alderhey children’s hospital in Liverpool and, as this was one of the hosts for the 2016 games, she was invited (with others) to light the flame of the games which she readily accepted. Jim spent most of his working life in area management in the pub and restaurant industry, mainly in the Northwest and North Wales.

Emma Thirwall


I have worked in organ donation and transplantation for the last 20 years and prior to this, worked in paediatric intensive care. I am currently Team Manager for the North West Organ Donation Service. I first became aware of the fantastic work of the Donor family Network back in 1999, when I was looking for a support network in the Midlands area for one of my donor families. It has been great to see how the Donor Family Network has evolved over time and to witness first-hand how donor families have been supported and encouraged to share their individual experiences with each other and with a wider audience. In my spare time I like to keep fit and healthy and also work as a nurse volunteer, supporting children who have had transplants, when they take part in organised activity camps. I have a daughter Miriam and two cats, Kevin and Winnie.

Audrey Wheeler


Audrey lives in Birmingham and sadly became a member of the DFN following the death of her husband Ian in January 2003. Ian passed away during surgery for a Brain Aneurysm leaving Audrey as a single parent to their daughter Sophie who was only 1 at the time. Ian became a multiple organ donor and gave the gift of life to a least 4 people. Audrey's mum found details of the DFN and Audrey and her parents attended the Annual Memorial Service at St Margaret's Church in Great Barr, which was a poignant moment in time as Audrey and Ian were married there.Audrey continued to work as an office administrator and also became a florist, specialising in floral tributes. Audrey found comfort in helping bereaved families and Sophie has now become involved in the DFN by taking part in interviews at the opening of the National Gift of Life Memorial in 2006.Both Audrey and Sophie take great pride in knowing Ian saved lives of others and Audrey has now joined us as a Trustee to help with awareness and support for families.

Karen Piotr


I’m Karen a donor wife of Mark, who passed away suddenly May 2017 from a spontaneous brain bleed . I’m a keen walker especially in Lakes or Yorkshire Dales and especially with my black Labrador Isla. Mark and I had done 100 of 214 Wainwright walks and I’ve vowed to continue and finish these off in his memory. I still watch Neighbours and have done since it started in 1985. I love awards season and every year I stay up all night to watch the full Oscars ceremony. I had no hesitation in honouring Marks wishes to be an Organ Donor and he successfully went on to save the lives of nine people - something that still amazes me today. I’ve been lucky to not only have had 2 letters from recipients of Marks organs, but to actually meet one of them too - Pete who has his liver, a day that I will never forget. I’m proud every day of what Mark did for all those people, so that they can have a second chance of life. He is as a selfless man in life and now in death